Scottish leaders debate prospects of second independence referendum

Independence had the leaders of Scotland's biggest political parties talking during the last TV debate before the Holyrood election on Thursday.

When asked: "If a majority of Scots are in favour of a second independence referendum, who are politicians to deny this?", Scottish Labour's Kezia Dugdale observed "it's not even 20 months that have passed since we came together to vote in the referendum".

Rooted in democracy and public opinion was SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon's opinion. She said no one should stand in the way of the wishes of the majority of Scottish voters.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said that having "a groundhog day debate about independence" could even be undemocratic.

During the hour-long programme, held in Hopetoun House, Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie said that a bolder and more creative Scottish Parliament is the best way to convince the electorate of a future "yes" vote.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson reminded everyone that the Edinburgh Agreement was a binding document, signed by Nicola Sturgeon, which promised to honour the outcome of the September 2014 vote.

The debate was hosted by the BBC's Scotland editor Sarah Smith with questions from an invited audience.