World War One unknown soldier found to be a Scottish major

A World War One grave in France marked as that of an unknown soldier has been identified as the resting place of an army officer from Scotland.

The headstone at Jonchery-Sur-Vesle, near Reims, was dedicated only to "a major" of the Royal Engineers.

Detective work by David Tattersfield, of the Western Front Association, identified the major to be an Alexander Soutar, a minister's son.

Maj Soutar was born in Cullen and grew up in Glasgow and Thurso.

He fought at the Somme in 1916 and Passchendale in 1917, before being shot and killed by a sniper on 28 May 1918 while helping to defend the village of Hermonville, near Jonchery-Sur-Vesle, from an attack by German soldiers.

One hundred years after his death, Maj Soutar's descendants have gathered at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery where he lies to honour him.

A new headstone with his name has been erected.