Coronavirus in Scotland: Beauticians, nail salons and tattoo parlours reopen

Inside a nail salon
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Simply Bliss Beauty in Aberdeen welcomed clients for the first time in four months

Scotland continues with Phase 3 of its route map out of lockdown as more restrictions are lifted.

Beauty salons, tattoo parlours and tailors can now reopen with enhanced hygiene measures in place.

Universities and colleges will be able to introduce a phased return to on-campus learning, as part of a blended model with remote teaching.

Motorcyclist instruction can begin, as can driving lessons - but only for tractors.

These latest measures follow what First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called the "biggest step yet in exiting lockdown" as the country began Phase 3 earlier this month.

Sarah Laws, Assistant Manger at Simply Bliss Beauty Aberdeen, said: "We've got all our PPE in place, we're all wearing masks, we've got screens up and hand sanitizer too.

"It's a little bit different but we're so glad to be back. We're open all day and the girls are fully booked so it's exciting. A busy day".

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One customer said she was "so excited to be there" to get a full set of acrylic nails

'More guidance needed'

However, some beauty salons said there is still confusion over what procedures and treatments are allowed.

Sleeping Beauty salons has eight sites across Scotland, including in Inverness.

Managing director Lilac Miller said more guidance was needed on what treatments salons could offer.

She said: "It is still very vague. Some salons are offering all their treatments and some have restricted theirs'.

"It is not clear in the facial area exactly what we are able to do at the moment. We've taken a 'better safe than sorry' attitude and restricted a lot of what we do until there is definite go-ahead."

Inverness make-up artist Gillian Hoban said she was looking forward to seeing clients again.

She will wear and mask and visor while working. She said: "It may take a bit longer to do things but we will adapt."

What has already changed under Phase 3?

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Two of the first customers to be served at The Scotsman's Lounge pub in Edinburgh

Indoor pubs, cafes and restaurants reopened for the first time in almost four months on 15 July, as did hairdressers, barber shops, holiday accommodation and places of worship for communal prayer.

Museums, libraries, cinemas and visitor attractions could reopen but many venues chose not to.

Since 10 July, up to eight people from a maximum of three different households have been allowed to meet indoors - and can stay overnight as long as there is physical distancing.

People should stay two metres away from people in other households, clean surfaces after touching them, and wash their hands regularly.

Up to 15 people from five different households can meet outdoors, while also following the 2m distancing rules.

Adults are being advised not to meet people from any more than four different households in one day.

People who are part of a non-cohabiting couple no longer need to stay physically distant from each other, indoors or outdoors.

In addition, people who are shielding do not have to distance themselves from others living in the same house.

Children aged under 12 no longer have to physically distance from other people indoors or outdoors. Young people aged 12 to 17 still need to obey distancing rules, but there is no longer a limit on the number of different groups they can meet during a day.

Which restrictions are still to be lifted in Phase 3?

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Indoor entertainment, such as nightclubs and gigs, are still under review

A number of other activities remain under review and are unlikely to resume before 31 July.

These include indoor entertainment such as nightclubs, bingo, theatres, and music venues; the return of live outdoor events; indoor gyms; and the reopening of non-essential offices and call centres.

Ms Sturgeon said it was expected that Phase 3 might last longer than three weeks.

The outcome of the next formal review is due to be announced on 30 July.