What will Scotland's new Covid levels look like?
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From 26 April, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said it was expected all parts of Scotland currently in level 4 would move down to a "modified" level 3.
The island communities currently in level 3 will have the option to move at that stage to level 2 but this could have implications for travel and will be discussed further.

The new "modified" level 3 from 26 April would see cafes, pubs and restaurants allowed to open until 20:00 indoors (no alcohol) and 22:00 outdoors (alcohol permitted).
Up to four people from two households can socialise indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant.
Up to six people from up to three households can socialise outdoors. All remaining retail premises and close contact services will re-open.
Gyms can open for individual exercise. Indoor attractions and public buildings such as galleries, museums and libraries could open. Funerals and weddings including post-funeral events and receptions can take place with up to 50 people (no alcohol).

From 17 May, it is hoped that all level 3 areas - or as many as possible - will move to level 2.
This will see hospitality venues open until 22:30 indoors (alcohol permitted, two-hour dwell time) and 22:00 outdoors (alcohol permitted).
Up to four people from two households can socialise indoors in a private home or public space. Cinemas, amusement arcades and bingo halls can reopen.
Outdoor adult contact sport and indoor group exercise can restart.

From early June, the ambition is for all of Scotland will move to level 1 - which will allow for a further easing of restrictions.
Up to six people from up to three households will be able to socialise indoors in a home or public place.
Up to eight people from three households can socialise outdoors. Eight 12-17 year olds can meet socially from eight households outdoors.
Hospitality can remain open until 23:00. Indoor non-contact sport can take place.

By the end of June, it is hoped that all of Scotland will move to at least level 0.
This could see a phased return of some office staff.
The Scottish government will be assessing the situation on an ongoing basis, with a view to restoring as much normality as possible.

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