Police Scotland chief says force is institutionally racist

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Scotland's outgoing Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone says Police Scotland is institutionally racist.

The chief constable of Police Scotland has admitted that the force is institutionally racist and discriminatory.

Sir Iain Livingstone said prejudice and bad behaviour within the force was "rightly of great concern".

He also said that acknowledging the issues exist was vital for real change to happen.

A review recently uncovered first-hand accounts of racism, sexism and homophobia by serving officers.

It also heard about cases where staff had been "punished" for raising concerns.

Sir Iain's statement is believed to be the first of its kind by a police chief and comes amid ongoing controversy about policing culture in the UK.

But he stressed that his admission of institutional discrimination did not mean that individual officers and staff were racist or sexist and expressed pride and confidence in their work.

Speaking at a meeting of the Scottish Police Authority on Thursday morning, Sir Iain said: "It is the right thing for me to do, as Chief Constable, to clearly state that institutional racism, sexism, misogyny and discrimination exist.

"Police Scotland is institutionally racist and discriminatory. Publicly acknowledging these institutional issues exist in our organisation is essential to our absolute commitment to championing equality and becoming an anti-racist service,

"It is also critical to our determination to lead wider change and support wider change in society."

Sir Iain, who is to retire on 10 August, admitted that people from different backgrounds or with different requirements "don't always get the service that is their right" and that this was also true for the force's own officers and staff.

Sir William Macpherson's definition of institutional racism, set out in his 1999 report into the killing of black teenager Stephen Lawrence, is the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin.

It can include processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping.

Image source, Police Scotland
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Sir Iain Livingstone is to retire as chief constable in the summer

Sir Iain said the force had already put in place measures including enhanced vetting of its officers and a more rigorous recruitment process to help tackle the issue.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said that, as a person of colour, the admission of institutional racism by the chief constable was "monumental" and "historic".

Mr Yousaf said he had personal experience of racism within the police, having been "searched over a dozen times as a young boy, whether it was in my car or walking with my friends in the street or in airports".

Police Scotland last year launched a four-year strategy called "Policing Together" to tackle discrimination in the force and in the community, with a mandatory leadership programme to be rolled out to about 5,000 officers and staff to improve the existing workplace culture.

The force has faced a number of concerns about that culture in recent years.

Some women who are former officers spoke to the BBC's Newsnight about a "boys club" culture at all levels of Police Scotland.

One of them, former firearms officer Rhona Malone, won almost £1m in compensation from the force after an employment tribunal found she had been victimised when she had raised concerns about sexism.

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Former Police Scotland firearms officer Rhona Malone was victimised after raising concerns about sexism

Ms Malone said the chief constable's admission was welcome, and that she hoped it would help officers within the force who are currently challenging Police Scotland on these issues.

However she said she was angry that it had taken so long to recognise the problem, and that officers who had raised concerns were still "getting pushback".

The force is also under pressure due to an ongoing public inquiry into the death of Sheku Bayoh, who died after he was restrained by police officers in Kirkcaldy.

The inquiry is investigating the circumstances of the 31-year-old's death and whether race was a factor.

Admitting Police Scotland has serious institutional failures is a bold move when you've been in charge of the force for more than half its existence.

This politically savvy chief constable will say it's the right thing to do and the right time to do it, as he prepares to step down.

Sir Iain Livingstone's words will be closely examined at the public inquiry which is investigating whether race was a factor when Sheku Bayoh died in police custody eight years ago. Sir Iain took care to mention Mr Bayoh's family today.

His statement will be applauded by many in civic Scotland at a time when the force's handling of its investigation into the SNP has attracted criticism from some political quarters.

As for the reaction from inside the force, Sir Iain's popularity with the rank and file will help them accept this tough message - but Police Scotland's frontline is already under great pressure.

The force has its lowest number of officers since 2008 because of real terms budget cuts and an independent review has described frontline resources as the greatest challenge to changing its culture.

The review group said officers have "little or no space" to devote to reflection or training.

Sir Iain has acknowledged what his counterpart in the Met, Sir Mark Rowley, has refused to do.

He has said Police Scotland is guilty not just of institutional racism but also institutional discrimination. Has admitted a lot of people have been let down.

Sir Iain is adamant this is not a case of warm words from a chief constable who's about to walk out the door.

But it will be years before we find out whether this landmark moment has been a catalyst for real change.

An independent review group established by Police Scotland to examine its record on equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights noted the "widespread view" that although discriminatory attitudes are still present in the force, there had been a marked shift over the past decade.

The review also found that efforts to improve Police Scotland's culture are being held back by financial issues and pressure on frontline resources.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said the problems in Police Scotland were "systemic" and its complaints processes were "not fit for purpose".

He also urged the Scottish government to deliver extra resources for the force and to provide extra protection for whistleblowers who fear punishment if they raise legitimate concerns.

Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar, who had his teeth smashed out in a racist attack by police in Glasgow in 1991, said those in policing had refused to accept institutional racism for too long.

Mr Anwar, who represents the family of Sheku Bayoh, said Sir Iain's statement was a "testament to families and all those struggles fought by the victims of racial violence and injustice".