Sheku Bayoh: Restraint officer denies he wanted to join BNP

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Sheku Bayoh died in police custody in 2015

A former police officer involved in the restraint of Sheku Bayoh has denied wanting to join a far-right organisation when he was a teenager.

An inquiry into the death of Mr Bayoh heard that Alan Paton's family alleged he wanted to become a member of the British National Party (BNP).

In recorded evidence played at the inquiry, Mr Paton said that was untrue.

He also denied claims that he had made racist remarks to an Asian family who lived near him.

Mr Paton described the claims, made by his sister Karen Swan, as "not true in its entirety" and "an entire lot of made-up nonsense".

The inquiry, being held in Edinburgh, has been told that he retired from the police on medical grounds after the incident and suffers from mental ill health.

It is investigating the circumstances of Mr Bayoh's death in Kirkcaldy, Fife, in 2015, and whether race was a factor.

Mr Paton was one of the first at the scene after Mr Bayoh was seen carrying a knife and behaving erratically.

The 31-year-old was unarmed when officers found him but a violent confrontation followed.

He died after being restrained on the ground by six officers, including Mr Paton.

Mr Paton's testimony was due to be heard last year but was postponed.

Inquiry chair Lord Bracadale said that Mr Paton's lawyer had "made representations about the conditions in which the tape would be played".

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Alan Paton was one of the first officers on the scene when Mr Bayoh was seen carrying a knife and acting erratically

In the recording played to the inquiry on Friday, Angela Grahame KC read out a statement from Ms Swan which said: "I would like to go back to when Alan was a teenager.

"My mum told me at the time that Alan has said he wanted to join the BNP and she had told him she would disown him if he did.

"Alan used to make racist remarks to the Asian family that lived round the corner. He was never violent towards them but he was quite vocal.

"If they passed by him he would make racist comments towards them. I don't know anything else about him joining the BNP."

Mr Paton denied the claims, and said: "The entire paragraph's not true. I've got nothing further to add than what I have in my statement that was submitted a few days ago."

Challenged by Lord Bracadale on whether he joined the far-right BNP, Mr Paton told him "no".

Arrest witness 'mistaken'

Mr Paton was also read the witness statement of Ashley Wise, who saw the arrest of Mr Bayoh.

She said she saw "a man going down to the ground with about six police officers around him" and that "the man kept making roaring noises and shouting something similar to 'get off me'".

Mr Paton also said that father-of-two Mr Bayoh "uttered not one word" while he was being restrained in Hayfield Road.

He said: "From my initial engagement with him to the conclusion of my involvement, he remained silent. The only screams I heard was that of (police officer) Nicole Short."

Mr Paton said Ms Wise was "mistaken" and that Mr Bayoh did not make the noise.

The inquiry continues.