Opening hours extended to 1am for Glasgow city centre pubs

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counting house pub, glasgowImage source, Getty Images

Glasgow city centre pubs will be able to stay open for an extra hour under a new trial.

Pubs and bars currently have to shut at midnight, but a one-year pilot scheme is being launched to test closing at 01:00.

It is hoped the move will boost the city's late-night economy and comes after clubs were allowed to open later.

The move brings Glasgow in line with Edinburgh which already allows bars to close at 01:00.

Council leader Susan Aitken said she hoped the trial can "give many businesses a shot in the arm" following the pandemic.

Ms Aitken said: "The richness, diversity and vibrancy of Glasgow's hospitality and night-time offer is internationally recognised but there's no doubt it's had a tough time in recent years.

"A one-year pilot will allow the city and the trade to decide whether there is the market demand for an extra hour, but also if there are any impacts on public health and anti-social behaviour."

Increasing costs

When the SNP-run council first called for the extension, some industry figures doubted whether it was required.

A sub-group set up by the city's licensing forum - which includes members of the hospitality trade and is chaired by nightclub boss Donald MacLeod - reported the change "would not necessarily have the benefit of contributing to the late night economy as there are increasing costs and staffing issues".

It added: "existing transport provision and times of services within the city centre would not support an extension of terminal hours for city centre public houses to 01:00."

This pilot scheme comes shortly after a trial of 04:00 licences for nightclubs in the city centre was made permanent.

Reporting provided by Drew Sandelands at the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

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