Possum jumps into woman's pocket in Leith stairwell
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A woman got a "fright" when a possum ran up her back before jumping in her pocket while she was in a Leith stairwell.
The sugar glider possum dived into her pocket where it remained until the Scottish SPCA arrived 40 minutes later.
The creature, which was "feisty", is thought to have followed the woman into the stairwell on Leith Walk on Monday.
The charity, which is caring for the pet in the rescue centre in Balerno, is urging its owner to come forward.
Steph Grant, of the Scottish SPCA, said, "The lady initially thought it was a chipmunk.

"She had just got inside her stairwell when the sugar glider ran up her back and went inside her cardigan pocket. It then stayed there until I arrived, which was around 40 minutes later.
"It's pretty feisty and the poor woman understandably got a bit of a fright. We think it may have been on the loose on Leith Walk when it followed her into her stair.
"This may be the first sugar glider we have rescued and it's certainly a new one for me.
"This sugar glider is in very good condition although it's still rather skittish and very shy."
They are native to Australia but some people do keep them as pets in the UK as they do not require a licence.