In quotes: Glasgow helicopter crash reaction

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The city of Glasgow was left in shock after a police helicopter crashed into a busy city centre pub.

Eight people are now confirmed to have died and a further 14 people are being treated for "very serious injuries" in hospitals across the city.

The crash happened at The Clutha in Stockwell Street at 22:25 on Friday.

Here are some of the reactions to the tragedy.

Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland

"This is a black day for Glasgow and Scotland but it's also St Andrew's Day, and it's a day we can take pride and courage in how we respond to adversity and tragedy.

"That response from our emergency services and from ordinary citizens has been exemplary.

"As First Minister, it's a day we can take great pride in how we've responded to this extraordinary tragedy."

David Cameron, Prime Minister

"This is a tragic event and our deepest sympathies are with the families and friends who lost a loved one last night.

"I want to thank the emergency services who worked tirelessly throughout the night and I also want pay tribute to the bravery of the ordinary Glaswegians who rushed to help.

"We have offered the Scottish Government our support in any way we can and we are all wishing a speedy recovery to those who are injured."

Ed Miliband, Leader of the Opposition

"There will be lots of people worried about their loved ones who are unaccounted for, and my thoughts are with them.

"Also with the people of Glasgow, who are an incredibly strong people, who showed last night in reaction when the helicopter hit, great bravery, great courage, great calm, in the midst of all this.

"I know they are incredibly strong and they'll need to be strong in the coming days as they come to terms with what's happened."

Alistair Carmichael, Secretary of State for Scotland

"I share Scotland's deep shock at the tragic events which unfolded in Glasgow last night.

"The news of fatalities and injuries in this incident casts a dark shadow over the whole country today.

"The ongoing efforts of our emergency services are first rate and show the bravery and professionalism of our responders. The public's response, both at the time and in the aftermath, has been overwhelming."

Johann Lamont, Scottish Labour leader

"At these times we should be rightly proud of those who instead of running away, walk towards danger to help their fellow men and women.

"We must pay tribute to all those who helped save lives last night and continue to do so during the rescue operation today, either at the scene or at hospitals across Glasgow."

Ruth Davidson, Scottish Conservative leader

"We saw some immense courage on Friday night, both from trained emergency service personnel and from ordinary pub goers and passers by.

"This was a dreadful day for Glasgow; but Glaswegians stood tall, bravely and selflessly helping others. Everybody in Glasgow is hurting today."

Willie Rennie, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader

"In a flash the vibrancy of the Glasgow nightlife was silenced but the city's spirit endured through the emerging tragedy.

"I feel sorrow for the loss of life and the trauma for those who remain yet pride in the response from so many."

Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister

"This has been news that everyone today has been both dreading and expecting. Our hearts go out to everyone who has been bereaved.

"It is impossible to imagine the grief and loss that they are experiencing, but they should know that the thoughts and prayers of everyone across the city and, indeed, across Scotland are with them at this unimaginably difficult time.

"I think we were all moved last night by the way in which those who were in and around the scene did everything possible to help, and the outpouring of concern and kindness today, I'm sure, will be a comfort to those affected, in the days and weeks to come."

Sadie Docherty, Lord Provost of Glasgow

"It is shocking, but our Glaswegian resolve will get us though this together. The bravery and humanity of ordinary folk, witnessed last night, can give us all great comfort."

Gordon Matheson, Glasgow City Council leader

"I'm proud of the people of Glasgow. When there is trouble, and people need assistance, the people of Glasgow head towards those situations.

"The motto of the city of Glasgow, the branding is: People Make Glasgow, and that was at no time better demonstrated than last night."

Philip Tartaglia, Archbishop of Glasgow

"My heart goes out to all those who have been affected by this tragic accident.

"Prayers will be offered for everyone, especially for those who have died, for the injured and for the bereaved."

Right Rev Lorna Hood, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

"Already stories of those caught up in a tragedy forming a human chain to help those trapped show the spirit of the people of Glasgow and their care for one and other.

"The emergency services are to be thanked for their quick response and expertise in this tragic situation."