Dangerous driver jailed after woman lost unborn child in Glasgow

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Darren MorrisonImage source, Spindrift
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Darren Morrison was found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving

A driver who hit a pregnant woman who then lost her unborn child and needs constant care has been jailed for two years.

Darren Morrison, 20, struck Julie Welsh in Glasgow's Springburn in December 2020.

As well as losing the baby, both of the 40-year-old's legs were amputated below the knee.

Morrison was found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

The first offender was also banned from driving for eight years.

The victim had been walking across a road on a hill when Morrison's Mercedes struck her. She hit the windscreen before landing on the road.

She requires 24-hour specialist care having suffered a life-changing brain injury.

The driver claimed that he did not see her until a "split second" before the collision.

The court heard that Morrison, his girlfriend and two other friends were heading back to his house after collecting food to watch boxing.

In his evidence, Morrison claimed: "I couldn't have done anything differently."

The victim has had a total of 10 surgeries and is blind in one eye.

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The mother-of-one requires medical assistance to breathe and is fed through a tube.

Ian Sievwright, defending, told the court: "He asked me to express his contrition, his remorse and understanding of the harm that this tragic event has caused Julie Welsh and her extended family.

"Nothing I or my client can say will compensate for Julie Welsh's situation or the harm and distress caused to the family."

Sheriff Joan Kerr told Morrison: "Julie Welsh was unable to participate in the trial but her family provided victim impact statements.

"They make it plain that life as she knew it as an active young mum is over. Her family and her young child have lost her to society.

"The only appropriate sentence to reflect the gravity of the offence and the harm caused by you is a custodial one."

She added: "I can protect the public from you driving again by disqualifying you for eight years."

Morrison will be required to sit and pass the extended test before he is able to apply for his licence again.

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