Ben 10: Who and what's been to top of tallest mountain

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After a group of charity walkers apologise for leaving a bench on the summit of Ben Nevis, a brief history of who and what have been to the top of Britain's highest mountain.

The list, which is not exhaustive, includes a brass band, a wheelchair and a replica of a vintage car.

1. Harry Judd, far left, and Tom Fletcher, pictured next to him, from the band McFly walked to the summit of Ben Nevis in 2012.

But the achievement was not all about them, they were raising money for a children's charity.

2. The McFly duo were treading where other rockers had been before them.

Kings Cross, a band from Essex, performed a gig on the summit in 2010 in aid of a good cause.

After carrying their instruments, power generator and PA system to the top they played to about 200 climbers on what the band said was their first date of an Extreme World Tour.

Image source, Three Peaks Brass Band

3. There was another musical performance on the mountain last year.

The Three Peaks Brass Band played on the summits of Ben Nevis and also Scafell in England and Snowden in Wales. They completed the challenge in 24 hours.

While on Ben Nevis the band went to the aid of injured woman, who was tackling the peak in jeans and trainers and had no water, food or extra clothing with her.

4. Highland Games athlete Kenny Campbell, from Ardgay, carried a 226lb organ to the top in 1971 after an aborted attempt to carry a piano on his back.

He left the organ on the peak with the intention of going back for it.

Image source, Reuters

5. A piano was successfully carried up in 1986 by a group of Dundee removal men on a charity stunt, but like Mr Campbell's organ the musical instrument was left behind.

The remains of the piano were found under a cairn and removed by volunteers of the landscape charity, the John Muir Trust, in 2008. The trust looks after Ben Nevis.

6. In 2008, the charity's volunteers completed a five-year long project to clear more than 120 cairns from the summit.

The trust said the stone structures were unsightly, but left about 20 along the main path close to the top.

7. Dropped banana skins have been a big problem on the mountain in the past.

One voluntary litter clean up saw 10 out of 18 rubbish bags filled just with skins.

The John Muir Trust said some people mistakenly believed the skins bio-degrade quickly, but they can take up to two years to break down.

8. A team of injured service personnel were among a group who climbed Ben Nevis to light a beacon in honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June 2012.

The 52-man team, who are taking part in the Help for Heroes Jubilee Challenge, included 11 people from the Personnel Recovery Centre in Edinburgh.

9. About two months after the beacon was lit, Scouts lit a flame on the summit of Ben Nevis to help start the 2012 Paralympic torch relay.

The youngsters made the 1,344m (4,409ft) ascent, then struck a flint against steel to spark a flame at the summit.

10. In 2011, a team of about 60 volunteers carried a dismantled replica of a Model T Ford car up and then back down from the summit of Ben Nevis.

The attempt was made in strong winds, hail and snow.

Volunteers carried wheels, seats and the chassis. Other parts of the car were put into 40 bags.

After being reassembled on the summit the car was again dismantled for the descent.

In 1911, a Model T was driven to the summit in a publicity stunt by a Ford selling agents in Edinburgh.