Still life: The 12th Inverness Film Festival

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The programme for the 12th Inverness Film Festival has been announced.

Held at the city's Eden Court, the line-up includes 34 films from 21 countries.

Five of the features are UK premieres and 17 will get their Scottish premiere during the event, which runs from the 5-9 November.

Still from The Possibilities are EndlessImage source, Handout

Documentary, The Possibilities are Endless, follows Scots singer Edwyn Collins' recovery from a stroke in 2005 with the help of his wife Grace.

Still from The Possibilities are EndlessImage source, Handout

Collins will perform songs after the screening of the film.

Still from DifretImage source, Handout

Foreign films are a key feature of the festival.

This year's include Difret about a teenage girl in Ethiopia who is charged with murdering a 29 year old man after he abducts her.

Still from Winter SleepImage source, Handout

Winter Sleep, set in a small hotel in central Anatolia, will be given its Scottish premiere at Eden Court.

still from FantailImage source, Handout

Another feature that will be give its Scottish premiere in Inverness will be Fantail, a story about a white New Zealand woman who was raised as a Maori.

still from FirestormImage source, Handout

The foreign language offerings also include Firestorm.

still from The TribeImage source, Handout

Another is The Tribe.

Festival director Paul Taylor said: "The Tribe is my pick of the festival, it's a unique and original film from Ukraine without words or subtitles or translation and is the most exciting and powerful film that you will see all year.

"It's a true one of a kind, which after 120 years of cinema doesn't happen very often."

Still from Kon-TikiImage source, Handout

Drama on and under water appear in a number of the films to be shown, including Kon-Tiki which is about Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 bid to cross the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft.

still from Angel AzulImage source, Handout
still from Angel AzulImage source, Handout

Angel Azul tells of the creation of an artificial coral reef by artist Jason deCaires Taylor.

Still from Once in Your LifetimeImage source, Handout

Also on an aquatic theme is Once in Your Lifetime.

It explores the idea that all keen anglers should try fishing on Scotland's lochs and rivers.

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