Timeline: The disappearance of Liam Colgan

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Liam Colgan's sighting in HamburgImage source, is LBT/G&J
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The first confirmed sighting of Liam Colgan was an hour after he was last seen with the stag party

Liam Colgan has not been seen since he left his brother's stag party in the early hours of Saturday 10 February and walked off alone into the German city of Hamburg.

Only one sighting has been confirmed - CCTV images showing the 29-year-old from Inverness wandering near a building where strangers helped him up after he fell on some steps.

His brother Eamonn's wedding is on hold. He is scouring unfamiliar streets with posters and praying for a miracle.

These are the last sightings, some unconfirmed, of Liam.

Saturday 10 February

01:00 Veermaster pub, Beatles Platz

Liam is last seen leaving the Veermaster pub in the vicinity of the Beatles Platz between 01:00 and 01:30 in the early hours of Saturday 10 February.

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Veermaster bar in Hamburg

02:20 Gruner + Jahr building, Baumwall

Two CCTV cameras capture Liam about an hour after he left the stag party. He is in the Baumwall area of Hamburg, which has a U-bahn stop very close to where Liam was spotted.

Liam arrives at the vehicle barrier of Gruner + Jahr publishers' building in Baumwall.

A witness reports seeing Liam and helping him up some steps to the main entrance of that building after he fell.

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Liam was helped up some steps near the G&J publishers building on the Saturday morning he disappeared

The fall is not captured on CCTV due to the cameras being motion-sensored however the rest of the witness account is corroborated by CCTV.

The footage goes on to show Liam trying unsuccessfully to get into the building, before walking towards the Michelwiese Park.

About 02:30 the witness can then be viewed on CCTV walking along the building walkway and looking towards Michelwiese Park before doing an about-turn towards the main entrance building and walking down the steps.

The witness states Liam appeared to be heading in the direction of the Portuguese Quarter.

03:10 St Michael's Church, Hamburg (Hauptkirche Sankt Michaelis)

A male of similar height and build to Liam can be viewed on St Michael's Church CCTV (images are of poor quality). The male walks along Englische Planke towards the Neustadt area.

The Stadthausbrucke S3 train travels from here to the town of Buxtehude, a journey that takes 30-40 minutes.

Image source, LBT/Colgan family
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Liam's family fear that he has been injured, or suffered memory loss

However, police have told a German newspaper there is so far "no hot lead" linking Liam's travel to Buxtehude.

Wednesday 14 February

A bakery assistant in Buxtehade calls police to say she thinks Liam came into her shop that morning.

Bettina Diwinski said a man stood in front of her counter looking "confused", saying something in English.

She turned to a colleague and when she looked back he was gone.

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A staff member at Dietz bakery in Buxtehude thinks she saw Liam

German news website Hamburg Abendblatt claims a police dog was able to pick up Liam's scent outside the bakery but lost it at the town train station.

Unfortunately this sighting was not reported to police until Friday 16 February due to the bakery workers being unaware that Liam was a Missing Person.

So far, Police have been unable to spot Liam on any CCTV footage in Buxtehude.

However, several other people have reported sightings.