In pictures: A second night of the Northern Lights

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Strong displays of the Aurora Borealis were visible from parts of Scotland overnight.

Skye, the Western Isles and Moray coast were among the places with the best views.

Cloud spoiled the chances for most people who were hoping to see the Northern Lights following stunning displays on Sunday.

British Geological Survey space weather experts said that after all the recent excitement, activity on the Sun - which is linked to the aurora - was heading back to more normal levels.

Aurora from CarlowayImage source, Dean/BBC Weather Watchers
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The view from Carloway in Lewis

Aurora from CarlowayImage source, Carloway Chris
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Carloway was a "hotspot" for aurora watching

Aurora at GarmouthImage source, Around Moray/BBC Weather Watchers
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Garmouth on the Moray coast was another vantage point

Aurora from CummingstonImage source, MichelleC/BBC Weather Watchers
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A picture of Monday's display from Cummingston in Moray

Aurora over InverbroomImage source, ForestWay/BBC Weather Watchers
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The aurora lighting up the sky above Inverbroom in the Highlands

AuroraImage source, Kyle of Lochalsh RNLI
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Kyle of Lochalsh RNLI trained under the aurora on Monday night

Aurora from StornowayImage source, Kathleen/BBC Weather Watchers
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The lights from Stornoway in Lewis

Aurora from BreakishImage source, Skye Woody/BBC Weather Watchers
Aurora from SkyeImage source, Jackie MacLennan
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Skye resident Jackie MacLennan captured this scene

Aurora from AchachorkImage source, Vivian Platt
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The aurora over Achachork on Skye

Aurora from EdinbaneImage source, Isabel Nelson
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A colourful image taken from Edinbane, also on Skye. Isabel Nelson, who sent in the picture, said it was third night a row the aurora had appeared

Aurora from LochinverImage source, Dave/BBC Weather Watchers
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A BBC Weather Watcher's picture of the display from Lochinver

All images copyrighted.