New record for Inverness-Glasgow cycle route
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Kerry MacPhee after finishing the Badger Divide route at Glasgow' Kelvingrove
Former Commonwealth Games cyclist Kerry MacPhee has set a new women's record time for a 210-mile (338km) Scottish route called the Badger Divide.
The mountain and gravel bike rider rode from Inverness castle to Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum on Saturday in 19 hours and 32 minutes.
She beat a record set just three weeks earlier by Glasgow triathlete Cat Morrison.
The route follows walking trails and forest and hill tracks.
Cyclists usually tackle the Badger Divide over the course of almost a week, backpacking along the way.
Stirling-based Ms MacPhee, who is from South Uist, decided to go for the record after being encouraged by friends.
She told BBC Radio's Good Morning Scotland programme: "It was just one of those days on the bike when everything clicked. It was amazing.
"It's a massive route, most people do it over three or four or fives days."
Ms MacPhee, who has competed for Scotland in mountain biking, managed to set her record even after making a 20-minute navigational "blooper" a long the way.
She said: "It's a beautiful route and it was a gorgeous day.
"I felt so happy and grateful to be on the bike."