Several Gaelic exam papers lost to damage

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Exam papers from a number of pupils in the Western Isles have been damaged and cannot be marked.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) said the incident involved 24 Gaelic-medium National 5 Modern Studies scripts from four exam centres.

Western Isles Council - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - said it had been made aware by the SQA of the papers being lost in a recent fire.

The affected students will now be graded based on alternative evidence.

It had previously been reported, incorrectly, the papers had been lost in a fire in a hotel in Stornoway in Lewis.

The comhairle said the scripts had been submitted to the SQA.

'Best outcome'

No details have been given on the location of the fire but it was not in the islands.

An SQA spokesman said: "We are working closely with the centres of the affected candidates who have confirmed they will supply alternative evidence.

"It is for the centres, who know their learners best, to use their professional judgement about informing their learners at this time.

"When determining the final award, we will take account of all available information and data. This will ensure that we reach the best outcome for the affected candidates."

Western Isles Council said: "The comhairle has been made aware by SQA of the loss of a small number of exam scripts following a recent fire and have been working with SQA since then to ensure all available alternative assessment materials for the candidates have been provided to them.

"The comhairle has also contacted all affected pupils and their families and wish to reassure that we are taking all the steps we can to support those affected. Exam papers were submitted to SQA as normal after completion and the comhairle has had no involvement in the marking process subsequent to that.

"The comhairle is continuing dialogue with SQA to establish the full circumstances of this incident."