Raigmore Hospital dropped from Moray maternity plans

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Baby's handImage source, Getty Images

A plan to have pregnant women in Moray sent to hospital in Inverness for births while local maternity services were upgraded has been abandoned.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said efforts would instead be focused on restoring a consultant-led unit at Dr Gray's Hospital in Elgin in 2026.

Concerns were raised that the interim plan for births would put a strain on Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

There has not been a consultant-led service at Dr Gray's since 2018.

Campaigners have called for the unit to be restored so women can give birth closer to home and not have to travel to hospital in Aberdeen.

Mr Yousaf gave an update on the Moray maternity project at Holyrood on Thursday.

The health secretary said the Scottish government had listened to concerns around Model 4, the plan to send women to NHS Highland's Raigmore Hospital until consultant-led services were reintroduced.

He also said NHS Grampian had been "ambitious and bold" in its plan for Dr Gray's hospital.

Mr Yousaf said: "As a result of this ambitious plan, we will no longer be proceeding with Model 4 as previously outlined, however I expect NHS Highland and Grampian to continue to work together to ensure sustainable maternity services for women in the north and north-east of Scotland.

"Redevelopment of Raigmore maternity unit remains a key part of this journey, to provide vital improvements for women who give birth there.

"I am also pleased to see enhanced complex antenatal care, consultant led triage and day assessment and elective caesarean sections returned to Dr Gray's in two years' time - this is very positive for the women of Moray, and will significantly reduce the number of journeys to Aberdeen."

Kirsty Watson, of the Keep Mum campaign, said unanswered questions remained over the proposals.

She said: "There are quite a few things they need to firm up on before we can feel confident about this plan."

Richard Lochhead, Moray's SNP MSP, has welcomed the latest developments.

And Moray Conservative MP Douglas Ross said he would give them a "cautious welcome", adding that more detail on the change was urgently needed.

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