Housing benefit change protest to take place outside Holyrood

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Demonstrators will be outside Holyrood protesting against UK government changes to housing benefits.

The public show will come ahead of Finance Secretary John Swinney outlining his draft budget to MSPs.

Campaigners said the minister should set aside £20m to lessen the worst impact of the spare bedroom charge.

The UK-wide policy - dubbed the bedroom tax by critics - cuts housing benefit by up to a quarter for those deemed to have additional bedrooms.

On Tuesday, householders affected by the charge gave evidence to a committee of MSPs.

They heard from Scott Wilson, who is worried about losing his specially-adapted house, and Anne Bradley who said she was forced to move home because she was judged to be living in too big a property.

The witnesses told Holyrood's welfare reform committee of how they had been left struggling and in fear.