Scottish independence reports: Economy
- Published

A Fairer Scotland, external (Unison) (30 November 2012) - Scotland's main public sector union set out its principles for a better and fairer Scotland, and said it was up to others to show how their proposals met those aims.
The Referendum on Separation for Scotland: Separation shuts shipyards, external (Westminster Scottish affairs committee) (20 January 2013) - Westminster's Scottish affairs committee said the UK had consistently built its own warships, adding that an independent Scotland would have no preferential status for contracts not deemed to be in-house because of national security, and would have to compete for tenders on the same basis as other international yards.
The Scottish Government's Independence White Paper - issues that business would like it to address, external (CBI Scotland) (23 January 2013) - The organisation challenged the Scottish government to fill in what it described as gaps in knowledge about the impact of Scottish independence on business and the economy.
Scotland's Balance Sheet, external (Scottish government) (April 2013) - The Scottish government published its analysis of Scotland's public finances.
Measuring an independent Scotland's economic performance, external (Centre of Public Policy for regions, University of Glasgow) (23 April 2013) - The centre argued new ways to measure Scotland's performance were needed to better inform the independence debate.
Scotland's Economy: The Case for Independence , external(Scottish government) (21 May 2013) - The Scottish government set out its economic case for independence, saying the nation had generated more tax receipts per person than the UK for every one of the last 30 years and was in a fiscally stronger position than the rest of Britain.
The Dysfunctional UK Economy, external (Jimmy Reid Foundation) (2 June 2013) - The left-wing think tank argued the neo-liberal economic model, followed by UK governments since 1980, had failed.
Scotland analysis: business and microeconomic framework, external (UK government) (2 July 2013) - The UK government said splitting the UK market would create a barrier to the free flow of goods, capital and labour.
Economic Policy Options for an Independent Scotland, external (Options for Scotland, The Jimmy Reid Foundation and Options for Scotland) (9 September 2013) - The joint paper argued the UK's economic powers were being operated in a way that did not best serve Scotland and examined how the situation might change under independence.
Education Working For All! Commission for developing Scotland's young workforce, external (Wood Commission) (3 June 2014) - A group chaired by businessman Sir Ian Wood said Scotland's vocational education system must be improved to cut youth unemployment.
Reindustrialising Scotland for the 21st Century: A sustainable industrial strategy for a modern, independent Nation, external (Scottish government) (13 June 2014) - Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond said an independent Scotland could increase manufacturing by 30% by 2030.