Union launches equal pay claims over 'discriminatory' council bonus scheme

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Helen Meldum
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Helen Meldum of the GMB told The Nine that "blatant discrimination" had to end

The GMB union has claimed that a Dundee City Council bonus scheme paid to employees in roles typically filled by men is "discriminatory."

It said "craft jobs" workers, such as lift engineers, painters and joiners were paid bonuses not available to jobs more often carried out by women.

The union intends to lodge equal pay claims from next week.

The council said it had received the GMB's collective grievance, and would "consider and respond" in due course."

Helen Meldrum from the GMB told BBC Scotland's The Nine: "Throughout the pandemic, women who have been delivering those roles, have been carrying out the most vital of services; carers, educators, catering, cleaning.

"The fact that a male cohort have been getting access to a bonus system, that they have been refused access to, is just blatant discrimination and it is time for that to end."