Wales in 2012 - the year of ...

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First, some firsts:

The first Act passed by the Assembly, the first visit by the Welsh government and the Assembly to the Supreme Court in London, the first woman elected to lead Plaid, the first tranche of the Silk Commission's work done and - they hope - not left on a shelf to be dusted in years to come.

Labour flew through the local elections. only to land slightly awkwardly when the very first Police Commissioners were elected.

Definitely not firsts? Floods again, more dire economic predictions, the row over child abuse in North Wales rekindled and Awema, the 19th report in a row from the Wales Audit Office criticising the way the Welsh government deals with grant management.

2012 gave rise to a new double act in Westminster - Smith and Jones. Owen and David will take up the cudgels again come 2013. In Cardiff, the rumoured first shake up of Carwyn Jones' cabinet never came. Will there be one after Christmas, he was asked last week? "There is nothing planned" he said, "though after Christmas is pretty open ended ..."

Differences borne from devolution grew in 2012 - what it is to learn, qualify, teach in Wales and England will diverge all the more in 2013. What it is to fall ill, prevent, treat and care in Wales and England looked increasingly distinctive too.

2013? Feel free to predict what it'll bring.

Until then, a very merry Christmas to you all, with a special mention and an extra glass or two for the cheery lot who've kept the comments flowing all year long.

Nadolig llawen i chi un ag oll a blwyddyn newydd dda!