Missing Tapiwa Matuwi: CCTV footage shows last known movements

Police searching for missing Swansea man Tapiwa Matuwi have released fresh CCTV footage in a bid for new information.

Mr Matuwi, 21, went missing in the early hours of Thursday, 7 February after a night out in Swansea.

The footage begins with Mr Matuwi, who is 6ft with distinctive black and orange hair, entering McDonald's on Oxford Street with a friend.

He is later seen outside McDonald's heading towards Caer Street, New Cut Road and near Sainsbury’s on Quay Parade.

The last known sighting is at Swansea Yacht Club at 07:06 GMT.

“Tapi has now been missing for five weeks, and it has been an agonising time for his family and friends who have been fully supportive of our investigation and have also been searching continuously for him," said Det Insp Matthew Davies.

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