Coronavirus: Not being able to walk in park 'really upsetting'

The continued closure of some council parks is "really stressful" and "really upsetting", a woman with anxiety has said.

Lucy Williamson was injured in a horse riding accident last year, hurting her pelvis and damaging her kidney.

She still suffers with back problems and says closure of her local park in Skewen, near Neath, has slowed her rehabilitation and made her anxiety worse.

Local authorities in Wales have the final say on whether to open or close parks, with eight councils deciding to keep the gates shut.

"I feel quite claustrophobic in the house and not being able to get out into an open space is really stressful; it's really upsetting," Ms Williamson said.

The town council said it had "concerns around maintaining adequate social distancing" in the park.

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