Covid in Wales: 'Decent support' for beauty sector needed

Closing businesses during the firebreak lockdown "feels wrong" given the investment in personal protective equipment (PPE), says a hairdresser.

Helen Rouse, the owner of a hairdresser's salon in Cardiff, says the beauty industry has not received the same support as the hospitality sector with its "eat out to help out" discount scheme in August.

She says salons "can't survive" the quieter months after New Year without a busy period between October and December.

Labour Swansea East MP Carolyn Harris wants to see a VAT rate cut for the beauty industry to match support for the tourism and hospitality sector.

In July, a temporary cut to VAT from 20% to 5% was announced for the tourism and hospitality sector until 31 March 2021.

"The beauty, spa and wellbeing sector is just as important," says Ms Harris.

A Treasury spokesperson says it has "supported the beauty sector from the start of the outbreak, protecting jobs through business rates holidays, our income support schemes, VAT deferrals and cash grants of up to £25,000".

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