Covid-19 grief: 'Gran was the glue of our family'

Molly Evans says she lost her best friend when her grandmother died with Covid.

She describes Iris Davies, 69, as “the glue of our family” and the “most family orientated person ever".

Ms Evans, 23, from Ynyshir, Rhondda, has been speaking out to urge people to try to protect loved ones from the virus.

She also criticises those who deny the existence of coronavirus.

“I log on to social media and there are local debates on ‘is Covid real?’ and I wish I could be in denial about Covid, but I have seen her with my own eyes on a ventilator,” Ms Evans says.

“She didn’t deserve that.

“She didn’t feel like it was her time and we didn’t either, which made it a lot harder to accept.

“Although it was my gran, it could have been anyone in my family. Keep everyone safe around you,” says Ms Evans.

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