Covid: A-level and GCSE exams could return in 2022

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Two young people study at homeImage source, Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Changes will be made to how A-levels, AS and GCSEs are assessed next year, but the exams watchdog hopes exams can go ahead in summer 2022.

Qualifications Wales said being clear on work that needs to be covered by year 10 and 12 learners will reassure pupils and their teachers.

The changes follow the disruption to education during the past year.

This summer's exams were cancelled and results will be based on grades set by teachers.

The WJEC exam board will consult with teachers and lecturers next month before publishing details of how the qualifications will be adapted ahead of summer 2022.

Philip Blaker, chief executive of Qualifications Wales, said they were aware schools and colleges had to plan for their learners.

"We remain hopeful that examinations can go ahead next summer on these adapted qualifications, but we will monitor the evolving situation and have alternative plans for assessment ready to be implemented if there are significant periods of disruption," he said.

Year 11 and 13 students who are completing GCSE and A-level courses returned to school from 15 March, with schools given flexibility to offer year 10 and 12 time in class.

But all secondary pupils will not resume face-to-face learning until after the Easter holidays.

Qualifications Wales also published updated guidance for schools and colleges on how they should set Centre Determined Grades for pupils completing A-levels, AS and GCSEs this summer.

It had already said that pupils will receive their provisional grades from schools and colleges in June before official results are confirmed in August.

Schools and colleges will have to provide an explanation for the pattern of their results, which could be queried in some instances by the WJEC, though the exam board cannot change the grades.

There has been a commitment not to apply an algorithm to this year's results after the uproar when thousands of teacher grades were downgraded last summer.