South Wales Police officer sacked for perverting course of justice

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Abubakar MasumImage source, Wales news service
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PC Abubakar Masum was found guilty of perverting the course of justice after making a series of false accusations

A policeman who made several false accusations about a university student has been sacked and barred from serving as an officer again.

PC Abubakar Masum was found of guilty of perverting the course of justice at Cardiff Crown Court on 16 March .

He falsely accused the 23-year-old student of drug dealing, storing a gun and killing an Albanian gangster.

After an accelerated misconduct panel in Bridgend which Masum did not attend, he was dismissed by South Wales Police.

During Masum's trial, the jury heard that he was "obsessed" with the Cardiff university student, and had made the false allegations to the charity Crimestoppers.

'Gross misconduct'

Recording his decision, Chief Constable Jeremy Vaughan said Masum's actions amounted to "gross misconduct", adding that "there is no room for this type of conduct in South Wales Police".

"I recognise that the conduct involved premeditation, planning, targeting and taking deliberate steps and thus has a higher degree of culpability," he added.

Former PC Masum was found to have breached three police standards;: honesty and integrity, confidentiality, and of discreditable conduct.

Masum will be referred to the College of Policing and placed on the police barred list, preventing him from future service.