Keith Pontin: Cardiff City's comments about late footballer 'insulting'

The family of a former Wales footballer say claims by Cardiff City that there was not enough evidence to link his death from dementia to playing football are an "insult to his memory".

Keith Pontin died of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) caused by repeated head trauma during his career, an inquest found.

But during the hearing, a legal representative for Cardiff City questioned a finding by diagnostic neuropathologist Dr William Stewart that Mr Pontin's career in football had caused his CTE.

His widow Janet Pontin said it was "distressing and insulting" to hear.

In a statement, Cardiff City FC said: "The questions raised by the club's representative at the inquest were legitimate and intended only to assist the coroner to evaluate the medical evidence in this developing area of science.

"The club did not intend to dishonour Mr Pontin's memory in any way and regrets that Keith's wife and family are upset about this.

"Keith is remembered fondly by the club and its supporters and he is very much part of its history."

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