Wrexham council set to renew anti-social crackdown

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Police officer on a street in Wales
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Powers will combine enforcement with help for vulnerable people, the council said

Powers to tackle drug taking and anti-social behaviour in Wrexham town centre are set to be renewed.

Begging, drinking alcohol in public and intimidating behaviour are also to be targeted as councillors look to extend the use of a public space protection order (PSPO).

Rules give police and council staff the power to fine people £100 for offences such as urinating in public.

Wrexham council said it would continue to offer help to vulnerable people.

PSPOs give councils and their partners the powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in specific areas.

A council report said it was reasonable to expect public spaces in the city can be enjoyed by all without the fear of being intimidated, and the PSPO can continue to address issues which could impact businesses and tourism.

Wrexham council first introduced PSPOs covering Rhosddu Park, Cemetery, and the town centre in 2016 before merging the two in 2020. That is now due for review.

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Rhosddu Park is included in the order

The report said feedback received during consultation suggests more provision of public toilets is needed as well as greater enforcement under the powers, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Councillor Paul Roberts, lead member for partnerships and community safety, said there was a risk of anti-social behaviour increasing if the order is not renewed.

He said: "The council continues to receive complaints from the public and businesses relating to substance misuse and discarded needles in the city centre areas, rough sleeping, busking, begging, encampments and general anti-social behaviour."

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The rules will apply in the area of Wrexham shaded orange

Mr Roberts added: "Since the last PSPO, agencies continue to encourage vulnerable people to engage with services to ensure they are offered help and support routes out of the situation they find themselves in.

"However, where there is no engagement with agencies by an individual and they continue to cause anti-social behaviour, then the sanctions available would be a fixed penalty notice or prosecution.

"The vast majority of Wrexham residents adhere to rules. The PSPO does not seek to target a group of individuals but applies to any member of the public who partake in [anti-social behaviour]. By not having restrictions proposed by the PSPO there is a risk of ASB increasing."

Banning smoking in city centre play areas, including in the previous order, is no longer required as it has been banned nationwide by the Welsh government.

The council's executive board is due to meet on Tuesday to discuss the order.