Stradey Park: Man made sexist video about police officer

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Stradey Park Hotel is set to house up to 241 asylum seekersImage source, S4C
Image caption,

There have been protests over plans to house asylum seekers at Stradey Park Hotel

A man who made sexist and ageist comments about a female police officer has been given a suspended sentence.

Geraint Thomas, of Prendergrast Street, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, admitted sending malicious communications to a Dyfed-Powys Police officer.

The officer attended protests at Stradey Park Hotel, which was set to house up to 241 asylum seekers.

Magistrates at Llanelli Magistrates' Court on Tuesday sentenced Thomas, 34, to nine weeks, suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to pay £200 in compensation to the officer, complete 200 hours of unpaid work, and take part in a probation service programme.

Probation officer Edna McDonald said the comments, made within a video, contained sexism and ageism.

Ryan Colamazza, prosecuting, said Thomas's actions were a "targeted prolonged event" that caused the serving police officer "a significant amount of distress".

Nick Devonald, defending, said his client felt "genuine remorse" and accepted the event was serious, adding "a letter of apology has been handed in" for the victim.

Magistrate Karen Davis said the officer was "just going about her day to day job", adding: "Any future recurrence of this behaviour will not be tolerated by this bench."

Dyfed Powys Police said a total of 23 arrests had been made during protests at the Stradey Park site.

This story has been amended following updated information supplied by police increasing the number of arrests from 17 to 23.

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