Baby born weighing 1lb 8oz celebrates first birthday

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RohanImage source, Swansea Bay University Health Board
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Rohan recently celebrated his first birthday

A baby born weighing only 1lb 8oz (680g) has celebrated his first birthday.

Rohan was delivered three months early by emergency caesarean on 22 January last year.

He stayed in hospital for 12 weeks before going home to Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, with his parents Jade and Nathan.

The neonatal team who cared for him said they were "delighted" to hear he now weighs 18lb 6oz.

Jade's waters broke on New Year's Eve 2022, when she was 23 weeks pregnant.

"I was informed I was likely to have a premature baby but hopefully not, and we were going to take it day by day," she said.

Jade was sent home and put on bed rest. But a few weeks later she woke up in pain and was rushed to Singleton Hospital in Swansea.

"The doctors decided it would be in mine and the baby's best interests to deliver," she said.

"I was quite frightened because I was very early, but the consultant talked to me and my husband throughout the procedure.

"He was explaining things and the nurse too. They said there would be a bit of a fuss when the baby was delivered."

Image source, Swansea Bay University Health Board
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Rohan spent three months in hospital after he was born

Rohan's mum and dad had just a few moments with him before he was whisked away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

"When he did arrive, Rohan cried, which was a shock - I wasn't expecting that," said Jade.

Rohan was cared for at Singleton for seven weeks and was then transferred to Glangwili Hospital in Carmarthen, where he remained for a further five weeks before finally being able to go home in April.


A year on, Rohan recently celebrated his first birthday and the hospital staff who cared for him were "delighted" to hear from the family about his progress.

"He has exceeded all expectations," said Jade. "The doctors didn't think he would come along as quickly as he has. He put on weight really well.

"He came off the ventilator really soon. They were surprised at how well he did. He came home on oxygen, which was a new experience for us, but he was off that last July.

"He's doing brilliantly. He's a very happy, very smiley baby."

The couple sent a message to NICU staff thanking them for the care they gave to Rohan.

"They were undoubtedly amazing, and we will forever be thankful for them looking after him," said Jade.

NICU matron Helen James said: "We are delighted as a team to know that Rohan is doing so well and thriving.

"The journey that parents experience whilst their babies are on the neonatal unit is often described as a rollercoaster of emotions and events.

"Supporting parents like Jade and Nathan is a large part of the neonatal team's role.

"We are always grateful to receiving feedback from our families. It helps us to develop our service further to meet their needs."