Cardigan: College Row closure leads to business anger

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Picture of college row
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College Row is closed for 12 weeks so roof repairs can be made to Cardigan Guildhall Market

Businesses say there should have been more consultation over the closure of a Cardigan street.

College Row is closed to traffic for three months while repairs are made to the town's historical market roof.

The Cardigan Building Preservation Trust has secured around £250,000 in funding for the work.

Business owners are concerned the repairs have been scheduled for the busy tourist season.

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Phillipa Noble from the Castaway fishing shop on College Row says she wasn't consulted early enough

Phillipa Noble from the Castaway fishing shop said that she was shocked when she learned about the work from a local newspaper Facebook post.

"Surely I should have some input into the decision? A lot of tourists call in on their way down to the car park.

"I've got elderly and disabled customers that get dropped outside the shop. It's not fair on them. The timing is awful. They could have done this in January when there are no tourists around."

The Guildhall and Market date back to the 19th Century.

Money for the repairs has been secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Architectural Heritage Fund and the Welsh Government Rural Development Programme to safeguard the future of the building.

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Councillor John Adams-Lewis says businesses should have been asked earlier

Local Councillor, John Adams-Lewis said the work was essential but there should have been more consultation over shutting the street.

College Row allows access to the market's stalls as well as two local shops. Pedestrians can use the street, but no traffic is allowed.

In a statement, Ceredigion council said "For health and safety reasons, it's not possible to allow motor vehicles to use the road when the work is being done.

"If work is not completed on the roof, it could cause damage to the internal work which has already been completed. Every effort will be made to complete the work as quickly as possible."