Sauce, goose, gander ... Gove?

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How did you get on in your English GCSE this summer? Not great?

And how hot are you on your geography - and politics?

Why do I ask? Because they've just clashed, head on. Now read on.

The man in charge of education in England was "saddened" by the complexities and technicalities that left some of you with a grade lower than you'd anticipated and, yes, deserved. Michael Gove believes you were treated unfairly but, as a politician concluded earlier this month, it was not his place to intervene. It was a matter for the regulator and Ofqual decided against re-grading.

The man in charge of education in Wales was equally unhappy and concerned but as a politician, has just concluded that it is absolutely right for him to intervene. Leighton Andrews has 'called' on the WJEC to regrade pupils. It's the sort of offer they cannot refuse. A refusal would offend and lead to a simple ministerial direction to get on with it. Mr Andrews expects that several hundred pupils - in Wales and only in Wales - will find their grades have improved.

This is, say the teaching unions, a victory for fair play, a decision that "allows Wales to blaze a trail to ensure fairness for pupils". If pupils in England cry foul, that will not be a matter for Mr Andrews, after all.

Had Michael Gove been warned what was coming? I'm told he wasn't. He knew there was an urgent review under way but not what it had concluded.

Get ready for accusations that this is a case of "English exceptionalism" in reverse, of the minister in Wales making a decision without regard for the knock-on effect in England, giving his counterpart in Westminster a taste of his own medicine while he's at it. What's sauce for the Gove is ... um, no, doesn't quite work but you get my drift.

That's exactly what it's about, says the Conservative education spokeswoman Angela Burns. Leighton Andrews is headline hunting. This is about politics, pure and simple.

Wrong, says Mr Andrews. It's about the detailed, sober, expert conclusions of the review and above all, about fairness to Welsh pupils.

Over to you Mr Gove.