'Deep concern' at welfare changes - Welsh minister Huw Lewis

Changes to welfare and benefits will have a "destabilising, damaging and devastating impact on communities", a Welsh government minister has claimed.

In a strong attack, Communities and Tackling Poverty Minister Huw Lewis accuses the UK government of "coming for ordinary Welsh people".

He also claimed the coalition was setting out to "make the poor pay the most" for the banking crisis.

But the UK government says the changes are needed and are fair.

Guto Bebb, Conservative MP for Aberconwy, said Mr Lewis' comments were "completely unacceptable".

"These welfare changes are happening because the previous Labour government was responsible for creating the biggest bust in Britain's economic history," he told BBC Radio Wales.

Mr Lewis was interviewed by BBC Wales Political Editor Betsan Powys.

Devastation claim on benefit changes

Welfare reforms fair - Duncan Smith