Renting Homes Bill to tackle rogue landlords passed
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A new law to tackle rogue landlords and make it easier to rent a home has been passed by the assembly.
Landlords will have to provide written statements of their responsibilities and the rights of tenants under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act.
It also compels landlords to make repairs but allows them to repossess an abandoned property more quickly.
Housing Minister Lesley Griffiths said it was "vital this area of law is modern and fit for purpose".
"This Bill will ensure both landlords and those renting their homes are aware of their rights and responsibilities from the outset, and will provide additional protection against the poor practices of some landlords," she said.
Elle McNeil, policy officer for Citizens Advice Cymru, said it was a "historic new law, external".
She said Citizens Advice and other groups had successfully campaigned to keep the six-month protection from no-fault eviction for tenants on fixed term contracts which was not in the original version of the bill.
- Published9 February 2015