Pub + religion + politics?

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Leanne Wood

Guest blogger BBC Wales political correspondent Aled ap Dafydd on breaking that old rule about not mixing religion and politics.

Picture the scene. A log fire burning in the corner of a Treorchy pub. The Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood being bowled some easy, cuddly questions about how she came into politics, and then came the googly.

I ask her four quick-fire questions, the type that have no right or wrong answer, shouldn't land you in hot water, couldn't lose you any votes. There was a slight pause when Leanne Wood chose Eisteddfod ahead of the Hay Festival but no hesitation when it came to question three.

"God or no God?"

"No God."

So what have we learnt? More than anything, ask a simple question and you get a simple answer. Point the camera, ask an either/or question. Politicians are too clever by half if you give them the slightest wiggle room.

Leanne Wood, by her own admission, would rather be nuanced about the goings on beyond the public eye, as she told me only a couple of minutes before her non-believing revelation.

"I am a private person. I've tried very hard to separate my political life from my private life. I have an 11-year-old daughter. She hasn't chosen a public life and so I work very hard to keep the two things separate."

If weekends aren't taken up by Sunday service, how does the Plaid leader relax?

"More likely to be a bottle of beer on the sofa. I'm more of a radio person on a Saturday night generally than a TV person."

"Strictly?" I ask. "No definitely not."

One contest at least she won't be voting in.

You can see the item in full on Newyddion9 on S4C at 21:00 GMT tonight.