Police are already devolved, says Welsh secretary

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Alun Cairns

Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns has defended the new Wales Bill after the first minister said policing should be devolved to the Welsh Government.

Carwyn Jones has asked why UK ministers were keeping responsibility for the police yet it was devolved in Scotland, Northern Ireland and "even Manchester".

But Mr Cairns told BBC Wales policing was already devolved to Police and Crime Commissioners.

Devolution "closer to communities" was more effective, he added.

Mr Cairns told The Wales Report: "Policing is an area that I believe we've already devolved to Police and Crime Commissioners.

"It's only a few weeks ago that we had the elections to the Police and Crime Commissioners."

He added: "The priorities for Dyfed Powys for example, will be very different to the priorities for South Wales Police.

"And I think that real devolution, where it is down closer to communities is much more effective in delivering on that sort of policy area."

The Wales Report is one BBC One Wales at 22:40 BST on Wednesday 8 June