Leanne Wood queries Carwyn Jones on 'kinder, fairer politics'

Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood has written to Carwyn Jones protesting about "patronising and demeaning" comments by Welsh Labour ministers to her party's AMs in the Senedd despite his call for a "kinder, fairer politics".

The first minister had made the call in a speech on Europe on Wednesday, urging UK political parties to put their differences aside and work together to forge a new relationship with the EU after Brexit.

Ms Wood complained that on the same day Local Government Secretary Alun Davies told Plaid AM Bethan Sayed she was "confused" over the government's view on prisons because she "doesn't wish to listen".

The Plaid leader also accused the first minister of a "farcical" personal attack, comparing her to leading Brexiteer Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg in her choice of words to criticise a Welsh Government deal with UK ministers to settle the Brexit "power grab" row.

The Welsh Government said the letter seemed like an "unfortunate response to a genuine offer".