Wales Election 2021: Green Party warns of 'last opportunity' on climate change

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Anthony Slaughter
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Anthony Slaughter said he welcomed other parties talking about environmental matters

The leader of the Wales Green Party says May's Senedd election could be "the last opportunity" to tackle the "climate emergency".

Anthony Slaughter welcomed other parties talking about green issues.

But he said it was time to "recognise the urgency of the scale of what we have to do".

Mr Slaughter told BBC Radio Wales his party's "unique selling point" was "we actually mean what we say" on the green agenda.

The Welsh Parliament elections are on Thursday 6 May.

Mr Slaughter said Green Members of the Senedd would make sure action was taken on the environment.

"The word green is everywhere in this election, and that's to be welcomed, but other parties need to recognise the urgency and the scale of what we have to do," he said.

"If we get Greens into the Senedd, we would hold the other parties and the Welsh government to account, and make sure that we take the action that is needed".

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Anthony Slaughter said things were "going in the right direction" but needed to go faster

Mr Slaughter said there had been "well-meaning" intentions but that "doesn't necessarily deliver work being done".

"Things are going in the right direction but they do need to go so much faster," he told the Sunday Supplement programme.


What's happening? On 6 May, people will vote to elect 60 Members of the Senedd (MSs). The party that can command the support of a majority of MSs will form the Welsh government. Find out more here.

What powers does the Senedd have? MSs pass laws on aspects of life in Wales such as health, education and transport - and have some tax powers.

He called for more to be done on decarbonising the economy, saying: "There is an urgent need to build housing, but we need to build housing that is energy efficient, up to the highest environmental standards."

"This is possibly the last election that we have the opportunity to take the action that is needed to mitigate the worst effects of climate emergency."

The Wales Green Party has never won a seat in Cardiff Bay.