Cardiff University race equality review after play concerns

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Cardiff University has launched a racial equality review amid reports face paint was used to impersonate a staff member in a student-led play.

Vice-Chancellor Prof Colin Riordan said he was keen for the whole university to "learn lessons from the review".

It will focus on the School of Medicine and look at concerns raised about the play, Anaphylaxis, the university said.

The independent panel will begin work over the summer and report back in the autumn.

The university said it will also look at other related student societies and practices at its medical school to "assess their impact on minority ethnic students and staff".


Prof Riordan said: "Cardiff University needs to be a place where all our students and staff can thrive irrespective of their background and the review is part of our pro-active approach to ensuring this.

"Cardiff University takes issues relating to equality and diversity very seriously and is committed to supporting, developing and promoting equality and diversity in all of our activities."

Prof Dinesh Bhugra, professor of mental health and diversity from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, will lead the review with two independent panel members, yet to be appointed.