Objections to Llangennech toxic gas storage plans

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Stradey Park Business CentreImage source, Google
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Stradey Park Business Centre

Dozens of people have objected to plans to store highly toxic gases in a Carmarthenshire village.

R&A Properties has lodged an application to store arsine and phosphine , externalat Stradey Park Business Centre in Llangennech.

One consultation response said it was an "absolutely terrifying idea".

Other concerns were the proximity of the gases to a children's nursery, school and nursing home, along with additional traffic.

The applicant has asked Carmarthenshire council permission to store up to six tonnes of arsine, a derivative of arsenic, and one tonne of phosphine in gas cylinders.

The arsine will be transported to and from the site twice a week and the phosphine once a month.

The application states that should a "major accident" occur, approximately 100 people in neighbouring developments would be affected.