Your visions of the future: The final 10

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We asked you to send us your visions of the future; hundreds of you did and now two winners have been chosen

We set the global BBC audience the challenge of imagining the future without words. We received more than 800 stills and videos from all corners of the world.

Eventually a panel of international judges representing five continents chose their favourites and from those just two winners were selected.

The competition is part of the What If? season looking into the future.

The finalists: Moving images

Europe - winner, Marina Koleva, Bulgaria

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Winning entry for the "What if" competition of the BBC made by Marina Koleva.

Marina Koleva from Bulgaria was chosen as the winning video.

Europe's judge, Steve Harding-Hill from Oscar winning animation company Aardman animation chose the image as a finalist and all of the judges ranked it as either their favourite or second favourite film.

"It is a very simple and strong idea. It is very nicely told and animated. It makes total sense. The idea does not need to be explained. This is a dark and a scary vision of the future, but most importantly I felt something for this character. I felt compassion for this character and I found that it contains real human emotion," Harding-Hill says.

Asia - Sungik Jo, South Korea

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The Asian finalist in the BBC's 'What if' competition by Sungik Jo of South Korea

The film from Sungik Jo from South Korea was a favourite among many of the judges.

Indian illustrator, director, producer and animator Gitanjali Rao chose it as the finalist from Asia.

"The idea of this film is not new but I think it is well communicated, it is very comprehensible and with a complete story which goes on and on again," Rao said.

"The idea is good, honest, simple and justifies the medium."

Oceania - Greta Christina Maisie Coll, Australia

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Finalist video for the BBC's "What if" competition from Greta Christina Maisie Coll

This film by Greta Christina Maisie Coll was chosen as the finalist for Oceania by leading futurist and entrepreneur Ross Dawson.

"It was pretty strong. It is a very naive image and simple animation. It tells us a simple story. A dichotomy between the world where all we get caught up in computers and a world where we are able to lie in the sun and appreciate it," Dawson said.

Africa and Middle East - Onuorah Ekene Francis, Nigeria

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The Africa finalist in the "What if" competition by Onuorah Ekene Francis

This video by Onuorah Ekene Francis from Nigeria was chosen as the finalist for Africa and the Middle East by Mohamed Ghazala, the founder and director of Africa's first chapter of the International Animated Film Association.

"The idea is really human, very simple. It speaks about the development of the human being but it shows that at some stage we still have this primitive relationship. I like the concept and the simple technique of the drawing," Ghazala said.

Americas - Silvia Careli Lopez Falfan, Mexico

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Video sent by Silvia Careli Lopez Falfan for the BBC "What if" competition

This video was chosen as the best film from the Americas by the curator, writer and academic Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev.

"It gives a sense of the future being very humble and very simple and mixed with growing grass and seed, food, landscapes, deserts. It is a very simple and humble technique, a collage of still images but also very joyful," Christov-Bakargiev said.

Finalists: Still images

Europe - winner, Leonel David Mendes, Portugal

A drawing made by Leonel David Mendes

"The reason why I picked this drawing is that I thought it is a stunning, simple, thought-provoking image. The idea of our children being led and blinded by technology. It is a very bleak view of the future and the role of technology in it. I thought it was cold, horrific, powerful, but also it was like satire it is almost like it has already come true," said Steve Harding-Hill, judge for Europe.

Americas - Alex Augusto Araujo Martins, Brazil

Piece made by Alex Augusto Araujo Martins

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, judge for the Americas, said: "Undoubtedly, this image is for me the most intriguing, interesting, direct, immediate and aesthetically beautiful. Mostly it touches into the major issue of the 21st century which is how to find an alliance between the most advanced knowledge and research and the most ancient, bodily facts. It is about the necessity of an alliance between organic and inorganic."

Africa and Middle East - Qahtan Ibrahim, Iraq

A drawing made by Qahtan Ibrahim

"It is a dark vision of the future but it is something that could happen if we keep making atomic bombs. I think that is very clear and an inspiring idea. I found this image very strong and symbolic," said Mohammed Ghazala, judge for Africa and Middle East.

Asia - Teh Weng Ying, Malaysia

A drawing by Teh Weng Ying

Gitanjali Rao, judge for Asia, said: "One thing which is different in this picture from the others is that is showing both despair and hope within the same image and at the same time with a very beautiful use of perspective. I also like that a lot of despair is shown but what remains with you when you see it is the top part of the picture, which is hopeful, free and natural."

Oceania - Andy Lim, Australia

Drawing made by Andy Lim

Ross Dawson, judge for Oceania, said: "This shows the cities of the future being manned by and driven by machinery and people toiling down through many layers. The layers are invisible and hidden below but they are still required to create a gleaming city."