100 Women: Who took part?
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They hail from all over the world, and from walks of life. They do all kinds of things: they make music, save lives, raise children, run businesses, write, preach, act and tell jokes. They campaign for their causes and strive for a better world for themselves and their families.
On Friday 25 October all these women came together at the BBC's London headquarters, Broadcasting House, for a unique day of debate and discussion.
We asked them to tell us where they think the world's women are today, and to set out their goals for the future. The day was broadcast on BBC TV, radio and online.
Here are the full details of who attended, arranged in order of their appearance in the picture above.
Top row (L-R)
Salwa Abu Libdeh Palestinian TV journalist
Madawi Al-Rasheed Saudi academic, gender expert @MadawiDr, external
Nadia Al-Sakkaf Editor, Yemen Times @theyementimes, external
Sreymom Ang Cambodian fashion designer
Anna Arrowsmith English porn film director @annaarrowsmith, external
Joyce Aoko Aruga Student teacher, Kenya
Moe Thuzar Aung Deputy Director, Myanmar state broadcaster (MRTV)
Rehana Azib London-based barrister
Firuza Aliyeva Associate Director, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
Zainab Hawa Bangura UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict
Second row
Michaela Bergman Chief Counsellor for Social Issues, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Claire Bertschinger Anglo-Swiss nurse whose work inspired Live Aid
Ingrid Betancourt French-Colombian former politican and Farc hostage @BetancourIngrid, external
Cherie Blair British barrister and philanthropist @CherieBlairFndn, external
Emma Bonino Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy @emmabonino, external
Yvonne Brewster Stage director, teacher and writer
Gurinder Chadha British-Asian film director @gurinderc, external
Nervana Mahmoud Egyptian blogger and commentator @Nervana_1 , external
Irina Chakraborty Russian-Finnish-Indian engineer
Shadi Sadr Iranian lawyer and human rights defender
Third row
Chipo Chung Chinese-Zimbabwean actor and activist @chipochung, external
Helen Clark Head of UN Development Programme, former New Zealand PM @HelenClarkUNDP, external
Diane Coyle Economist, writer and blogger @diane1859, external
Caroline Criado-Perez British journalist and feminist campaigner @ccriadoperez, external
Jody Day Founder, Gateway Women network childless women @gatewaywomen, external
Es Devlin British theatre designer
Klara Dobrev Hungarian lawyer and economist
Efua Dorkenoo Campaigner against female genital mutilation @equalitynow, external
Sigridur Maria Egilsdottir Iceland's champion debater
Marwa El-Daly Egyptian grassroots NGO founder @marwadaly7, external
Fourth row
Bushra El-Turk British-Lebanese composer @bushraelturk, external
Obiageli Ezekwesili Senior adviser, Open Society Foundation @obyezeks, external
Caroline Farrow Catholic writer, blogger and pro-life activist @blondpidge, external
Anne Stella Fomumbod Women's rights activist, Cameroon
Teresa Forcades Radical Spanish nun @TeresaForcadesF, external
Razan Ghazzawi Syrian blogger and activist @RedRazan, external
Rebecca Gomperts Dutch doctor, head of Women on Waves @rebeccagomperts, external
Tanni Grey-Thompson Winner of 11 Paralympic Games gold medals @Tanni_GT, external
Parveen Hassan Conservative women's organiser, UK @PrettyTory, external
Barbara Hewson Senior barrister, UK @BarbaraHewson, external
Fifth row
Anis Hidayah Indonesian activist working on migrant worker rights @anishidayah, external
Deborah Hopkins British mother and political activist @rugbymumno9, external
Rose Hudson-Wilkin Jamaican born British priest
Bettany Hughes Historian, author, broadcaster @Bettany_Hughes, external
Rubana Huq Bangladeshi textile manufacturer @Rubanahuq, external
Leyla Hussein Co-founder, Daughters of Eve, anti-violence campaigner @LeylaHussein, external
Heather Jackson CEO of An Inspirational Journey and Founder of The Women's Business Forum @jackson_heather, external
Shelina Zahara Janmohammed Blogger, columnist and author @loveinheadscarf, external
Laura Janner-Klausner Movement Rabbi, Reform Judaism UK @LauraJanklaus, external
Aowen Jin Chinese contemporary artist @aowenjin, external
Sixth row
Andy Kawa South African businesswoman, anti-Violence campaigner @KwaneleEnuf, external
Tehmina Kazi Director, British Muslims for a Secular Democracy
Jude Kelly Artistic Director, Southbank Centre
Fereshteh Khosroujerdy Visually impaired Iranian singer
Azadeh Kian Iranian academic and genderspecialist
Kanya King CEO and founder, Mobo @KanyaKing, external
Fawzia Koofi MP and former Deputy Speaker, Afghan National Parliament @FawziaKoofi77, external
Dina Korzun Russian actor and charity activist
Martha Lane-Fox UK technology entrepreneur and Digital Champion @Marthalanefox, external
Paris Lees Transgender broadcaster @ParisLees, external
Seventh row
Ann Leslie Journalist
Sian Lindley Researcher in social technology @SianLindley, external
Pontso Mafethe Programme manager, Comic Relief
Brooke Magnanti US anthropologist, author, former sex worker @bmagnanti, external
Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba Deputy Secretary General, the Commonwealth @commonwealthsec, external
Shirley Meredeen Founding member, Growing Old Disgracefully
Samar Samir Mezghanni Record-breaking young Tunisian writer @SamarMEZ, external
Shazia Mirza British comedian @shaziamirza1, external
Aditi Mittal Indian comedian @awryaditi, external
Rosmery Mollo Indigenous Bolivian activist
Eighth row
Orzala Ashraf Nemat Afghan scholar and civil society activist @Orzala, external
Pauline Neville-Jones Former UK Security and Counter-Terrorism Minister
Susie Orbach Psychotherapist and author @psychoanalysis, external
Mirina Paananen Islamic researcher
Claudia Paz y Paz Attorney General, Guatemala @mpclaudiapaz, external
Mariane Pearl French journalist, founder of Chime for Change @MarianePearl, external
Laura Perrins Stay-at-home mother @Lperrins, external
Charlotte Raven British feminist and journalist @charlotteraven, external
Gail Rebuck Chief executive, Random House UK @gailrebuck, external
Justine Roberts Founder, Mumsnet @Justine_Roberts, external
Ninth row
Sarah Rogers Voice of Women community radio, Sierra Leone
Fatima Said British-Egyptian pro-democracy @fattysaid, external
Balvinder Saund Chair of Sikh Women's Alliance
Kamila Shamsie UK-based Pakistani writer @kamilashamsie, external
Divya Sharma Indian electronics and communications engineer
Bahia Shehab Lebanese-Egyptian artist, designer and art historian
Joanna Shields Chair and CEO, Tech City Investment Organisation @joannashields, external
Stephanie Shirley Businesswoman and philanthropist @LetITGoOfficial, external
Clare Short British politician, former International Development Secretary
Jacqui Smith Former UK Home Secretary @smithjj62, external
Tenth row
Kate Smurthwaite British stand-up comedian and activist @cruella1, external
Rainatou Sow Guinean founder, Make Every Woman Count
Louise Stephenson Trainee counsellor, UK
May Tha Hla Burmese school building charity founder
Natasha Walter British feminist writer and campaigner
Judith Webb First female commander of all-male British Army squadron @sjbwebb, external
Saadia Zahidi Head of Gender Parity and Human Capital, World Economic Forum @zahidi, external
Dinara Zhorobekova Student, Kyrgyzstan
Gemma Godfrey Board director, broadcaster, quantum physicist @GCGodfrey, external
Martina Navratilova 18-time Grand Slam singles tennis champion @martina, external
Also attended
Sarah Walker (No picture) Head of the English Collective of Prostitutes
Cerrie Burnell Children's TV presenter
Selma James Writer and activist