St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha profiles - media

  • Published

The far-flung islands support local newspapers and radio stations. There are no locally-based TV services.

On St Helena, the US company Cable and Wireless operates the telecommunications infrastructure under an agreement with the local government.

St Helena has two local radio stations; one of them is also relayed on Ascension Island and in the Falkland Islands. Digital satellite TV from South Africa is available.

On Ascension Island, the BBC Atlantic Relay station broadcasts World Service radio programmes to Africa using shortwave transmitters. BFBS - the British Forces Broadcasting Service - and TV services for the US military are available. Volcano Radio carries locally-produced programmes.

On Tristan da Cunha, BFBS TV and radio are available. The island's first internet cafe opened in 2006.



  • Saint FM, external - St Helena community radio; rebroadcast on Ascension and the Falkland Islands

  • SAMS Radio 1, external - St Helena, operated by South Atlantic Media Services

  • Volcano Radio - Ascension Island