Nigerian election in memes
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Nigeria is experiencing historic times with the victory of opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari. Relive the action through memes.
A lot of love was being shown to electoral chief Attahiru Jega on social media on Tuesday. This came after the representative of the governing PDP Elder Orubebe interrupted the announcement of results, accusing the electoral commission of bias.

Support for Mr Jega on social media is nothing new. The #iStandwithJega hashtag started at the beginning of March and later this picture was being shared.

Lots of people were talking earlier on Twitter about how this professor had made reading out numbers on TV surprisingly interesting.
Following his calm response to Mr Orubebe's tirade, a new verb was created.

While the claim that "to Jega" has entered the Oxford Dictionary are improbable, Editi Effiong points out, external that the verb to Orubebe has made it into urban dictionary, external. The new verb is defined as "to rudely interrupt an important meeting throwing tantrums like a little kid which may attract scoldings from a mature, wiser adult".
Mr Jega calmly announced the results of the poll throughout the day, but Twitter had already decided the result.
At 15:40 GMT on Tuesday #Nigeriahasdecided started trending in Nigeria after columnist Tolu Ogunlesi suggested, external an update to #Nigeradecides.

It became the top trending topic on Twitter in Nigeria at 18:00 GMT. This was more than eight hours before this official tweet from the electoral commission, external.

Which left only one thing left to say from the social media world - goodbye to an old meme. #GEJpose is used for President Goodluck Jonathan, whose hand is seemingly permanent stuck to his chin.