Japan quake: Images of then and now
One year ago, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck off the coast of north-east Japan. Thousands of people lost their lives and many more were injured as torrents of water swept through coastal cities, towns and villages.
Twelve months on, the Japanese people are making progress in repairing the damage to their country and rebuilding their lives. Scroll through the 10 images below, dragging the slider at the top of each one to see to see how some of the worst affected areas looked at the time of the quake and how they have recovered.
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After the quake


Several waves engulfed the city of Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture, killing hundreds. By January, much debris had been cleared. Pictures: AFP/Getty
After the quake


Large parts of the city of Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, were destroyed. The difficult task of rebuilding the community remains. Pictures: AFP/Getty
After the quake


The city streets of Miyako, Iwate prefecture, were flooded in March last year. Some appeared back to normal in last month. Pictures: Reuters
After the quake


Miyako's port area was devastated and few of the fishing community's boats survived. The port now appears free of debris. Pictures: Reuters
After the quake


A Miyako employee captured the city swamped with water in 2011. Last month, cars and buses were once again filling the streets. Pictures: Reuters
After the quake


Waves breached the sea wall in Miyako's port, carrying boats, houses and cars inland. Traffic has now returned to the coastal road. Pictures: Reuters
After the quake


Thousands were killed in the city of Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, and few buildings were left standing. Rebuilding there continues. Pictures: AFP/Getty
After the quake


Shattered houses, broken furniture and mangled cars littered Ofunato's streets. All appeared to have been cleared in January. Pictures: AFP/Getty
After the quake


A catamaran, seen perching on two-storey building in Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture, in March last year, has now been removed. Pictures: AFP/Getty
After the quake


A plane, cars, trucks and other debris were dumped by the tsunami at Sendai Airport. It re-opened days later for emergency flights. Pictures: AFP