In pictures: Singapore haze

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The Marina Bay Sands casino and resort is pictured on a hazy day in Singapore 18 June 2013
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Singapore's skyline has been shrouded in the highest haze levels to hit the city-state in 16 years. The haze - caused by smoke from forest fires - has been blown in from neighbouring Indonesia.

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The government has cautioned against unnecessary outdoor activity, especially for children, the elderly and those with respiratory illnesses. But some, like this couple having their wedding photos taken, are choosing to carry on with their activities.

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Some of those who ventured outside wore facial masks as the air quality reached unhealthy levels.

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Singapore officials have urged the Indonesian government to take action on the forest fires in Sumatra. Indonesia said firemen were working to contain the blazes.

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It is not only Singapore that faces the yearly issue of haze from Indonesia. Neighbour Malaysia also suffers from haze when land in Sumatra is cleared cheaply by the slash-and-burn method.

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Malaysian officials were quoted by local media as saying they were considering cloud seeding to try and wash the haze away.