Pokemon Go: Where might you catch 'em all in Japan?

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Pokemon GoImage source, AFP
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The day is finally here: Pokemon Go has been launched in Japan

It's finally returned to its birthplace - Pokemon Go has been officially launched in Japan.

Much of the world is already consumed by Pokemon Go fever and news of the Japanese launch sent social media users into a frenzy.

To help new trainers, we've come up with a few suggestions to find the rare and favourite monsters.

1. The Yumenoshima Tropical Plant Dome

YumenoshimaImage source, Yumenoshima
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Tokyo's Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome is warm all year round

This greenhouse in Tokyo is warm all year-round, making it the perfect place to fill your Pokedex with lots of grass and poison-type Pokemon.

These classes of pocket monster typically thrive in warmer temperatures.

And you wouldn't freeze hunting for and catching Pokemon outdoors during the chilly Tokyo winter.

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Maybe you'll find a common Caterpie and soon see it evolve into a Butterfree

Even better news for aspiring trainers who have chosen the cuddly starter grass Pokemon Bulbasaur, external,

The transparent glass walls of the dome reflect sunshine, ideal for your creature to soak up some rays and evolve into a fearsome Venusaur.

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The large flower which blooms on the back of a Venusaur is said to be able to soothe the emotions of its trainer


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2. The 'ultimate Pokemon challenge' at the Imperial Palace

The grand Imperial Palace is the primary residence of the emperor of Japan.

Located in Tokyo's Chiyoda ward, many locals head to its parks during the summer for jogs and leisure activities.

A man takes a photo at the Imperial Palace in TokyoImage source, Reuters
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Tokyo's Imperial Palace is the residence of Japan's emperor

Once Pokemon Go is unleashed, it could soon become a hunting hotspot like New York's Central Park., external

But there's a downside: Twitter users in Japan have been speculating that looking for pocket monsters on palace grounds could prove to be the "ultimate Pokemon challenge", as it is a heavily restricted area.

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"The Ultimate Pokemon Challenge", according to this tweet from Japan

Pokemon Go players will also be unlikely to find any rare ghost Pokemon like Haunter in the area, given the spiritual and sacred nature of the palace.

Pokemon have already been known to pop up in inappropriate places, and placing ghost Pokemon to spawn near areas like shrines could also symbolise disrespect.

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Sorry Japanese players, you may not be able to find ghost Pokemon in temples and shrines

3. Fire Pokemon on Sakurajima

For those wanting to get their hands on some fire Pokemon, what better place than Japan's Sakurajima volcano?

Lightning flashes above flowing lava as Sakurajima erupts in southern JapanImage source, AP
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Japan's Sakurajima recently erupted in the south

Bipedal lava Pokemon Magmar, external has been known to reside in and around active volcanoes, a suitable environment for it to heal its wounds by jumping into lava.

Magmar first appeared in an infamous volcanic gym battle, with his trainer Blaine.

But Magmar isn't the only flaming monster to be able to survive around volcanoes.

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Fearsome fire Pokemon Magmar first appeared in a volcano with its trainer Blaine

Let's not forget the legendary fire bird Moltres, with the ability to control fire and inflict scorching flame attacks.

Like Magmar, one of Moltres's gifts is being able to dip its body in molten volcano magma to burn and heal itself.

Perhaps Japan will need to put out public warnings, like the Bosnian charity which cautioned against chasing monsters into minefields.

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Legendary fire bird Moltres is also said to be found near volcanoes

4. Legendary ice bird Articuno on Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji
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Mount Fuji: An active Japanese stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707

The snow-capped mountains of Japan's historic Mount Fuji will be the ideal place for another legendary bird: rare ice Pokemon Articuno.

The flapping of its wings is said to be so strong that it chills the air and when this Pokemon flies, snow will fall.

The mountain lies about 100km (62 miles) south-west of Tokyo and is popular with tourists.

But only the most dedicated of Pokemon trainers will brave the journey to its peak, to try their hands at catching the legendary Articuno.

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Articuno is one of three legendary birds - it lives in cold, isolated locations like mountain peaks

5. Finding Lapras in Lake Yamanaka

Lake YamanakaImage source, Getty Images
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Japan's Lake Yamanaka is the largest of the Fuji Five Lakes

If you're done searching Mount Fuji and have more Pokeballs to spare, why not head on down to Lake Yamanaka, the largest of all the Fuji Five lakes?

It could be the perfect setting for another rare ice Pokemon: the sea creature Lapras which drew inspiration from Scotland's Loch Ness monster.

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Friendly sea monster Lapras can be found in large bodies of water

Often depicted as a large and gentle Pokemon that enjoys ferrying people across bodies of water, this is an intelligent Pokemon known to travel seas and lakes in large pods.

A perfect setting to find it in.

However, this docility has made it an easy target for hunters, who have nearly driven it to extinction.

Reporting by the BBC's Heather Chen.