Dalai Lama launches free iPhone app

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Dalai LamaImage source, SANJAY BAID
Image caption,

The Dalai Lama's app is free to download

The Dalai Lama has launched a mobile app for followers to stay up to date with his travels and teachings.

The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, 82, already has a Twitter account with more than 16 million followers.

His free app, currently only available on iPhone, will hold news, videos, photos and information.

In 2013 the Roman Catholic Church launched the Pope App, which followed the Confession app where users could keep track of their sins.

And other religious apps have sprung up, allowing leaders to keep in touch with congregations and helping people find food that conforms to their religious requirements while travelling.

The Dalai Lama's app, simply titled Dalai Lama, does not have enough ratings yet for a points scoring on the app store.

Media caption,

Dalai Lama: "Make closer contact with people from different faiths"

The Dalai Lama

  • His name is Tenzin Gyatso

  • Born in Tibet, he has been in exile for six decades since Chinese authorities suppressed a Tibetan uprising

  • A Buddhist, he is recognised as one of the world's leading religious figures and consistently preaches non-violence and tolerance for other faiths

  • He advocates self-rule for Tibet within China but is regarded by Chinese authorities as a "splittist"

  • In 1989 he won the Nobel Peace Prize

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