A day at the parade: China's war show in tweets

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The BBC's China Editor Carrie Gracie is at the huge victory parade in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. This is how her day has unfolded so far.

4.45am parade day. Woken by rumbling tanks around 2am. Roads closed centre of town. Just through tight security.
He'll wish he kept it till later! Camera Matt wolfs breakfast at 5am as we're told hourlong wait till media leave.
Central Beijing emptied of life and turned into stage set for president Xi's china dream.
Fresh coat of paint
6am and Tiananmen Square is already ringing with shouted military orders.
Veteran is 99 years old, looking forward to seeing contrast between army of 1940s and mighty PLA today.
Veteran of 91 shows me medals of fallen comrades. Here to remember them 70 years later, proud of what China is now.
Heard among military at the parade: 'thought they promised us something to eat!'
Parade press crush. Sun getting hot and it's not even 9am. Going to be a long hot morning!
Given media pack incl raincoat, baseball cap, insect repellant, fan, water bottle and flag to wave.
Greeting the guests willing to come. President Park of South Korea and hosts. Kim Jong Un absent.
Return match. Xi sat beside Putin at Russian parade in May. Just had joint military exercise. Only 2WW ally here.
Xi and guests on Tiananmen Gate. What would the man in the portrait make of today?
May way ! Veterans coming through
It's all over. BBC parade crew selfie time